A virus or a lesson

A virus or a lesson?

2020 started with a boom with people all-over the world having different aspirations and expectations from this new year. For some it meant a new start, for others an opportunity and hope for a better life for others. Everything was great until a small setback. News of the demise of a wonderful Basketball player. It really was a moment of grief. I am not much into basketball really but seeing how so many people were upset, I'm sure he must have been really loved. 

Just as we were recovering from this, something unheard of started making its way into the news. Corona Virus. For many including me this was probably just another infection and it would get dealt with. The number of affected people over the news was well, not so much. Then the death toll started spiking which still wasn't alarming enough for many. Slowly, it spread person to person. Stretching its claws, all around the world.
Research started on this virus, national emergencies were called, pandemic outbreak claiming the lives of thousands. Leaders trying all they can to protect their nations. Doctors and healthcare professionals (the true Corona warriors as they were labeled) fought frontline. Trying their best to save as many lives as they could putting theirs at risk. Some countries trying to collaborate, others trying to be competitive. Nationwide lockdowns. Borders were sealed. 

Those who were suffering the consequences of these lockdowns including the ones that were physically distanced from families and had no way to get back. Stuck in a place where they couldn't survive without an income which was halted as the world came to a standstill. Many lost jobs, many new businesses crashed. Huge losses for many of the already established ones. A small price to pay for major change and realization some say yet only those who were in agony knew what it was like to be this way. Even with governments trying all they can to aid these people, it's never sufficient. Many accepted this and fought their own battles every single day. Some surrendered to this agony. While eveyeone was focused on Corona death toll, many lives were lost for other reasons too. Two of the very famous and appreciated Bollywood actors lost their battle of life which however is not credited to the virus. People paid their tributes. Nothing grand to see these legends off could be done. Eveyeone stayed strong understood the situations around us. It was a dark time. 

Amidst all this chaos, humanity came to all as a lesson. Unity is power was demonstrated. Not only did the wealthy stepforward to offer a helping hand, the underprivileged also put in as many efforts as they could. People were locked down in their homes. Strictly being limited to essentials, it was time eveyeone learnt to live with minimal luxuries. Surprisingly when eveyeone started living with essentials only, the economy of the countries started crashing. Another lesson learnt. We have gotten so materialistic that the basic are just taken for granted. Social distancing was made mandatory which instead brought people closer just not physically. Indoors, eveyeone started communicating with one another. Family members paid attention to each other. Holding each other's hand, giving the hope to stay strong. The emotional distance which kept growing even during less physical distance with friends and families suddenly started spiking even as the physical distance increased. Definitely positive impact for majority as well as the nature. Pollution went down, news about a hole in the ozone layer being filled up emerged.

Life will probably never be the same again. For all the good reasons this could be our wake up call to be a better generation. A massive change in the daily lives of many. Maybe sometimes a dark night is necessary to see a bright morning. Although it cost a fortune and an immense number of lives lost. The only thing we can do is not let it all go to waste. When the situation is under control, it is upon us to take charge and maintain what we have unknowingly built from the ruins of what we had.

Are you willing to make this impact fruitful? 


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